Monday, September 14, 2009

Helvetica is clean, clear, and straightforward. It is a typeface that can be used as a blank slate, allowing the content to shine forth. Many graphic designers that were interviewed in the documentary movie “Helvetica” explained how Helvetica can be viewed as a powerful entity; one which determines the seriousness, urgency, and importance of the message it is communicating.

To me, Helvetica is a simple tool that companies use to relay important information. It has no personality and therefore is able to take on the personality of any company that uses it. Because of the versatility of Helvetica, it is an essential part of society and will continue to be essential. I believe that Helvetica is here to stay, and that reverting back to a time without it would cause more chaos and disruption than people could understand. It is now ingrained in every persons psyche and removing it would lead people to panic, even if that panic only lasts a short while.

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